Sunday, December 15, 3-5 pm
Experience the magic of Christmas past and explore the museum decorated for the holidays as it might have been a century ago.
Summer Garden Party
Sunday, September 22, 4-6 pm
Savor the festive late summer afternoon overlooking the Thames River.
Ghosts of Groton Bank
Sunday, October 27th, 6:30-8 pm
A Haunted History House Tour
Harvest Herbal Tea
Sunday, November 10, 1-3 pm
Enjoy a historic autumn experience
Semaphore, Signal Flags and Sea Chanteys
Tuesday, August 13th 10am - 12pm
Or Saturday, August 17th 10am - 12pm
A free children's program on the shady Avery-Copp House lawn
Submarine Invention and Innovation
Tuesday, July 16th 10 am - noon or Saturday, July 20th 10 am - noon
Create your own submarine out of recycled materials.