Photo by Tony Healy, Capture Visual Marketing
We hope you’ll explore the posts below for occasional updates on artifacts in our collection, and news of things happening in the house.

Restored art returns to the Avery-Copp House Museum
We’re excited to see some freshly restored art return to the Avery-Copp House Museum. We’d like to thank Howard Park and Lisa Miceli for doing

A stereoscope card from 1888
Snow doesn’t last forever but a picture can save a memory for 100 years, and two pictures can save the memory in 3D! This stereoscope

Avery-Copp House was a popular sledding spot
We hope everyone enjoyed the snowy weather we had this week. In the early 1900s the steep hillside at the Avery-Copp House was a popular

Steam radiators
Steam radiators were added to the Avery-Copp house in the early 1900s. A hundred years ago they were considered modern, efficient, and a wonderful place

Happy Valentine’s Day
In our archives we’re delighted to have several beautiful cards and love letters that Sarah Smith Avery and Christopher “Kitty” Avery gave each other. Most